Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 30 MTC - Happy 4th of July!!! :D

First off, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!! Instead of TRC this week, there's an MTC wide devotional (so no one goes outside to listen to the music from the stadium) and then we get to watch the fireworks! :D

Second, can we just say how CRAZY it is that I leave in less than a week and a half??? My departure date moved up again to July 15! And I get my travel plans tomorrow. Craziness. I cannot even believe how fast the time is going.

Also, THANKS FOR THE PACKAGE!!! :D Especially the homemade bread and letters. :) Totally made my day--no--- week.

This week we had the opportunity to teach each other (in our district) as ourselves. It was a good experience to see how meaningful and deeply we can talk just in Cebuano. We get to make up an investigator, based on someone we know. It really helps to see the perspective of an investigator to know what terms are confusing and how to create a spiritual experience.

So this Sunday I accompanied two missionaries singing a duet in our zone Sacrament Meeting. We had been practicing all week and that morning in our "spare time" (haha, there's no such thing as spare time here). I had prepared my weekly talk that morning, but I figured they wouldn't choose me to speak since I was already playing the piano for the musical number. I told myself I wouldn't get called on. Haha. Famous last words. Yeah, I got called on. President Capik announced that "Sister Smith will be speaking first." There are two Sister Smiths in my zone, so I automatically assumed it would be the Catanese Sister. Nope, it was me. Surprisingly, I wasn't that nervous; I think I was too shocked to really think much about it. I spoke on faith. I brought up only a bullet list of topics I could focus on, but the Spirit told me everything I needed to say. I actually really liked speaking because I learned as I bore my testimony. This experience gave me confidence that the Lord will always help me out if I prepare. It was a lesson to me that I always need to be prepared, even when I am busy and overwhelmed with so many other things.

The devotionals and talks here at the MTC seriously feel like General Conference because they're so awesome. We have the coolest speakers! Our latest speaker was Matthew O. Richardson--I think he's the 2nd counselor in the Sunday School General Presidency. He talked about how we need to find out for ourselves what it means to be a "real missionary" and what our part is. He advised us to learn and relearn our part as a missionary, member, leader, etc. all throughout our lives. "What e'er thou art, act well thy part." :)

This week we tried an English fast for 6 hours. We usually try to speak as much Cebuano as we can, but during this period of time we spoke Cebuano exclusively. I thought it was going to be really difficult, frustrating, and exhausting, but it was actually really fun! By forcing myself to speak no English, I had to look up words and figure out the grammar. I learned so much Cebuano that morning!

Last week we got two new Hiligaynon districts, so now we have 8 districts in our zone! (2 Catanese and 4 Cebuano, plus the two new Hiligaynon districts). That's probably about 60-70 people in our zone; most of my friends here only have 3-5 districts in their zone.

I never realized how little I really knew about what it means to be a missionary until I came here. I've learned so much about what my purpose is and how important sacred this work is. I am a representative of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. My appearance reflects not just me, but the entire church and how others will respond to the members they meet.

I found one of my new favorite scriptures: Romans 8:35, 37-39. It talks about how NOTHING shall be able to separate us from the love of the Lord---no trial, sorrow, challenge, or persecution. "We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." In the footnotes for "conquerors," it says: abundantly victorious. Nothing external (no circumstance, association, etc.) will prevent God's love from coming to us. Only WE remove ourselves from feeling His love, although it is always present.

Thanks for the pictures from the boating trip! (Alex, your hair looked crazy!! haha ;)) I'm so glad Dad found a nest! Finally! :)

You should go watch this video on the lds website: Need Answers? Go to the Source. It's a sort of modern retelling of the Joseph Smith story. Watch it. :)

Start sending letters to the mission home! It'll take forever for them to get there.

Love you all! Ayo ayo! (Bye!)
Sister Amanda Smith

Me with Sister Stoehr (the Mildenhall's friend)

All the peeps going to Tacloban (outside by the temple)

My district in front of the map

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