Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 460 Tacloban, Philippines Restoration of the covenant people

Dearest family in the whole wide world,

We went hiking this morning as a zone in the bukid and it started raining! we got soaked!!! but then i boiled some water for my bucket shower so then it was ok. I forgot how nice warm showers are. .. 

This week during companionship study, Sister Robinson and I evaluated each other using a form we use to evaluate other sisters after we conduct exchanges. She asked me what is the biggest way i've changed on my mission so far. I'm not sure exactly how i've changed. Some days I feel like I haven't changed at all. But i think I've changed the most in my humility, my relationships, and my desire to reach outwards. I'm realizing what a prideful person I am and how to more be real. And also how to improve my relationship with my Heavenly Father. How to have real conversations with Him. Also, before the mission I was more content to just live my happy little life. But now I have recognized the need to become an example and a leader. I need to reach out and help others more. I have not been blessed for myself alone. What have you been able to notice about ways I've changed? Can you tell?

Sister Robinson and I have now been able to make our area the model area. The sisters really enjoy taking turns coming to our area to work (during exchanges, both areas get worked in). We've been having a lot of success with referrals from the members. We work almost strictly through referrals! As a result, we've been able to find investigators with fellowshippers already available and excited. We recently found a whole family of former investigators who attended the baptism and also came to church!

I've been studying the Book of Mormon a lot lately and I am touched by the Savior's testimony of the Book of Mormon in the Doctrine and Covenants. I am beginning to feel more and more the reality of the Restoration. As Dieter F. Uchtdorf says, we cannot sleep through the Restoration. "The Restoration is an ongoing process; we are living in it right now." Also, in 2 Nephi 30:5,8 we read of the restoration of God's people. The Restoration is not just about the priesthood or the church organization, but includes the covenant people. We are to restore the house of Israel through missionary work. Everytime we bring someone closer to Christ, we are sharing in the work of the Restoration. This was exemplified in an experience we had this past weekend. We met with an inactive member who was baptized only 5 years ago. Her live-in partner of 3 years in a non-member. We were able to share with them both about the Plan of Salvation and tied it into the Restoration. The member looked at the pamphlet for a while after the lesson and then told us that now is the time of HER restoration (Panunumbalik in Tagalog) of going to church. And sure enough, she showed up at church by herself the next day!

I'm so grateful to be serving during this day and age where we all get to participate in preparing the world for the return of our Savior. (although, Sister Robinson and i have been studying from the Old Testament Institute manual about the battle of Mog and Armageddon and we all need to bolster our faith for that day. . . .)

Love always,
Sister Smith

trying to kiss a piggy (joke lang, not really)
view of the rice fields and stuff (near Tanauan)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 453 Tacloban, Philippines Raw fish, rebond, reactivation

Dear family,


This week full of things I've never done before: I rebonded my hair, started teaching piano lessons to the ward to help them prepare for new callings and invite investigators, I painted a house for a CSP and tried raw fish (in vinegar). But more importantly, I saw many miracles in the lives of the members, investigators, and missionaries.

New hair! -
Before and after the rebond! My hair was so dead and nasty. It only looks nice curly like that before I go outside. Once I go outside the wind and heat destroys it. Now it's cool enough to wear my hair down everyday and I won't get as much damage. :) I also chopped off 6 inches. It's so much healthier now! And so much cooler. . . ;) I still prefer curly hair, but it's just so hot and bushy I had to cut it!  So now it's all the same length and I'll get it styled in america

We visited a less-active family this week who we have trying to contact for months! Back to the time I was with Sister Woodruff, we were trying to schedule a day when they weren't busy. Week after week, they either wouldn't respond to our texts, were out of town, or were busy with their business. Then finally they responded and set an appointment with us. We arrived and saw that Sister was very tired and worn out from her busy business. As we started the lesson, we barely said much before she started crying and told us she knew there was no reason for her not to be at church. She knows what her purpose is and that she really has no excuse; she had just been making herself believe that she was strong enough without going to church. We were able to teach her a powerful lesson about how we can access the power of the Atonement through the Book of Mormon. When it really comes down to it, there is nothing that can separate us from the love that is in Christ except for our own will.

That's all i have time for now. . . love you all! Continue to enjoy your first few weeks of school! :)

Sister Amanda Smith

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 446 Tacloban, Philippines Come Follow Me

Dear Family,
This was a very eventful week! Both Zone Training Meeting and Zone Conference were incredible. The mission has decided to create one theme to focus on: conversion. Especially through the Book of Mormon. The BOM is the greatest tool we have in becoming fully converted. During ZTM, a few missionaries shared their conversion stories and helped us understand how people need to feel in order to change. We need to feel the Spirit! Here's an idea: try sharing a key moment in your life that helped you deepen your conversion. You can share this on FB or email or in person, but just try looking for missionary opportunities, instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you. :)
Our mission President Maurer emailed us this challenge:

"My challenge is to continue to memorize a scripture from the Book of Mormon each week. Now some of you can memorize more than one. But do at least ONE. As you memorize, look for the principle that can help you, and others in their lives. I would like to learn from you of the learning you find as you internalize the scripture and apply it to your life and teaching experiences."
We were also challenged by our APs to read the promise by Moroni again and regularly ask God if the Book of Mormon is true. This is not something we do once and then just merely remember. We need to continually renew and strengthen our testimony of the Book of Mormon and feel the confirmation of the Holy Ghost time and time again.

In Zone Conference, Sister Maurer gave an incredible training about the law of sacrifice and the law of consecration. The Savior's invitation to "come, take up your cross and follow me" refers to these two laws. We "come" when we give up our worldly desires and possessions, as the young rich man in the book of Mark failed to do. The law of sacrifice prepares us to fully follow the Savior. To consecrate ALL our time, talents, energy, and desires to becoming Christlike. To become heavenly beings. As we do so, we submit our will to God's. And that is the only thing we can truly give!
Sister Robinson and I started reading Brad Wilcox's book: "The Continuous Conversion" during our mealtimes. He explains that heaven is not a prize or reward that the perfect deserve. Rather, it is a future for those who are willing to be made perfect. There are many people these days who demand an undemanding God. They believe in the big bang or higher powers because the big bang and higher powers don't expect anything of us. But they also can't love and help us the way our Heavenly Father can.
I also went on exchanges with Sister Henshaw this past week in Tanauan. And then afterwards we got to work with Sister Maurer in our area!!!! She loved it and had the gift of interpretation of tongues! Sister Robinson and I would speak in Waray2x, and she would jump in right where we left off in English!
We met two of the coolest ladies ever: Trina and Armi, two professional, single ladies in their 50s. We taught them in mixed English and Waray2x and had one of the most powerful lessons about the Restoration. The Spirit was incredibly strong because of their quiet attentiveness. They listened and really desired to know the truth. At the beginning of the lesson, they asked us why they should convert to our religion----what is in our religion that could give them more than they already have? They also asked: what is God's message to us in sending the Typhoon Yolanda? We focused our message on the power of the Book of Mormon. We taught simply, but i can't even explain how deep the Spirit touched our hearts and we talked. It wasn't a chill or a warm feeling, but rather a very deep calm. And as I bore my testimony of how the Book of Mormon has changed my life, they asked me why the Book of Mormon specifically? why not any other book? The Book of Mormon has been preserved for our day. Written for our day. And it contains of the fullness of the everlasting gospel. It testifies of Jesus Christ and what His exact example is. It resolves any concern and leads us down the strait and narrow path.
I've really learned more clearly that there is only one truth. The world would say, "find your own way," "do what's right for you," or "just do what you feel is right," but we know that God is not the author of so much confusion. He would not tell different people to do different things. There can only be one truth and one true church. People first need to understand that before they can accept the message of the Restoration. I know this is the only true Church on earth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contains the priesthood power of God as restored through Joseph Smith. I know there is only one way to God. The world would tempt us with a broad and wide path, claiming freedom and happiness lay ahead. But "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be thatfind it." (3 Nephi 14:13)

Love always,
Sister Amanda Smith

P.S. I'm getting my hair rebonded today! (chemically straightened) I've turned into a Filipina: i love straight hair now.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 439 Tacloban, Philippines MLC, Kiribati, and banana cake :)

My dearest family,

I love MLC (missionary leadership council) so much! It's nice to be with all the mature missionaries in the mission and have super spiritual discussions with President and Sister Maurer. We changed a few things: we no longer have 6pm curfew! We just have to stay in lighted areas and be smart. Also, for our exchanges we created a new form of how to evaluate how the exchanges went. Also, we're no longer over Carigara for exchanges, which is a bummer :/ But it'll be nice so we won't be so busy! Instead of 7 companionships we now have 5. I love playing on the piano at the mission home! It's actually in tune, haha.

We had a Sisters' Devotional last night. We had a get-to-know-you at the beginning and we had an awesome discussion about patience. We focused mainly on the new sisters and how to get through the hardest part of their training. In preparation, the sisters had studied patience and then each shared experiences thus far in the mission. A common theme was faith and charity. The more we realize the mission isn't about us, then it doesn't matter if we think we are qualified or whatever. God qualifies those whom He calls.

I've noticed that I'm quieter in large groups of people, so being an STL has really helped me to go outside of myself and stop being content with keeping to myself. I've learned how to reach outside my comfort zone. This gospel is not a comfortable lifestyle. We must be continually stretching and growing! :)

Random: Do you have any awesome cake recipes that you can send me? like Grandma Lamb's chocolate oatmeal cake? There's a member here who loves baking cakes and wants to collect recipes from America. Maybe a lemon or carrot cake too. (She's going to make them for us if we give her the recipe, haha). She made the best banana cake for us the other night at our FHE. i need to get the recipe still. :)

I had a cool experience while teaching some members and less-actives about missionary work. I shared with them my own experience in the healing power of missionary work after Typhoon Yolanda. After the typhoon,  I honestly didn't feel like going back to work. I just wanted to spend a day or two to write in my journal, sleep and recover. But things didn't happen that way. And there was a reason it happened that way. I was able to learn this way how to reach outside myself and help others even though all I wanted was to think  about myself. I was able to recover so much quicker as I immersed myself in missionary work and helping my companion through her own trials. There is true healing and enabling power in missionary work!!

There's a new senior couple here from Missouri in their early 50s. They aren't even retired yet, but they felt very strongly that this is what they need to do. Elder Anderson's story is incredible! He's only been active for the past 7 years. He bore his testimony in sacrament meeting about how he used to be an alcoholic drinking 18 beers every night, and two packs of cigarettes a day. He got to the point that he wanted to just end his life, unless God could heal him. The answer came to him that he needed to do missionary work and fast. At first he was shocked by the answer. "Wait, so I"m supposed to hand out a Book of Mormon in one hand, with a cigarette in the other?!!!" But he did it! And after a year, he decided to start fasting too. And his desire to drink went away and he hasn't had a drink ever since! His wife has only been active for maybe 3 years i think so this will be a big trial of their faith.

Thanks so much for all the conference talks again! i have another request, but i don't know the title or author. . . but it's about the gifts of the spirit that usually aren't talked about or mentioned specifically in the scriptures (ex; the gift of weeping). If you could find it that would be awesome!!

Scripture of the week: 1 Nephi 21:16
I love how this scripture reminds us of the Savior and how He continually remembers us because of the tokens in His hands. Whenever I read this scripture, I am reminded of a memorable YW lesson by my old YW leader, Linda Bowles. I can't remember what she said, but she made me feel the love of the Savior and how real the Atonement is. And it's stuck with me forever since. :) I know God is real. And so is the celestial kingdom. It is a real place with real people. It will actually happen someday!

I love you all! Stay strong and read ;your scriptures (especially the Book of Mormon) daily--personally AND as a family. "Scripture power keeps me safe from sin! Scripture power is the power to win! Scripture power! Every day I need the power that I get each time I read."

Love always,
Sister Amanda Smith :D

 found this sign that said your not allowed to throw away your garbage in the field. . .

with Sister Tirate

We went on exchanges in Palo. I went with a Sister from Kiribati (Sister Tirate) Sis Robinson went with Sis Duke.

yeah! We made tacos!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Day 432 Tacloban, Philippines Transfer Week! New comp!

Dearest family,

This week was probably one of the busiest weeks ever! And I had no official companion for the majority of it (just constant random exchanges with whoever was staying in Tacloban). Sister Woodruff went home early Wednesday morning. . . it was a big realization of how prepared I want to be for when I go home. There's no way that I can allow myself to go back to who I was before. I want to make sure that I am changing my NATURE, not just my behavior. No matter who I am with, I will make the right decision.

We had the opportunity of working with the new trainees!!! They're so cute! We went on splits with them on their first day to teach them how to place a Book of Mormon. Filipinos are so much more prepared than missionaries from Utah, in general, because they work with missionaries all the time and they don't have a huge of a language/culture barrier. I wish I had that opportunity before I went I my mission.

My new comp is Sister Robinson!!!! She's a new STL and she's my senior batch. She's from Heber, Utah and we're the same age. Love her to death already and she's an answer to prayer. :)

I didn't feel the earthquake but i heard about it. I was with the office elders when they were checking to make sure there wouldn't be a tsunami or something.

I've been studying the sacrament for a while now. . . Thank you so much for those talks! I keep feeling like the sacrament is so important, but  I'm still trying to figure out how to make it a spiritual experience EVERY week. I've decided to start being more accountable for my goals each week and pray about them daily.

I am so excited for this upcoming transfer with Sister Robinson! We get along so well and she is really stepping up to share in the responsibilities of an STL. I don’t really like I’m training a new STL at all! I love her so much already and we are both excited for the addition of sisters to the Tacloban and Carigara Zones. We now have 7 companionships of sisters under our care. (last transfer we only had 4.)

Our area is starting to pick up more. We have investigators attending church for the first time each week and we’re contacting many professional referrals. We’ve found that scheduling Family Home Evenings frequently with professional members is helpful in receiving referrals because they invite their friends and family to join. FHEs are the best! Since there are 10 missionaries in my ward,

Miracle of the week: Nothing dramatic, but I’m starting to recognize more fully the power of the Atonement in my life. I’m realizing more and more that of my own self, I can do nothing. I’m trying to become more humble by recognizing the tender mercies I receive constantly and acknowledging those in my prayers and my journal. The miracle has been within myself.

I’m so grateful for all the different challenges I’ve faced as an STL that have helped me grow and step up in ways I couldn’t otherwise. I can’t explain all the way, but I feel more satisfaction now and more active and involved in the work. I know God qualifies those He calls.

Love always,
Sister Smith

Sister Robinson and I! :)