Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 246 Carcar, Philippines haha it's warm here

What a funny week. I made a cake in a rice cooker. WHO NEEDS OVENS? For that matter, who needs washing machines, dishwashers, etc. People could save so much money living Filipino-style. :) Other funny things that happened: We keep "magically" finding the houses of people we meet on the street. One day we'll briefly introduce ourselves to someone, and the next day the Spirit leads us directly to their house! This has happened 4 times now this week!

I just love missionary work. Sister Robidillo and I agree that there is no bad day in missionary work as long as we're being obedient and striving to follow the Spirit. Everyday we come home happy and strengthened by the experiences we went through. Even if we are punted all day, we recognize the Lord's hand to guide us to people we would normally look over or not have time for. I see so much potential for Carcar! We've been blessed to find so many people willing to read the handouts and invite us to come back. Our goal for this next week is to make sure to followup with those new investigators to help them all progress.

We met a couple, Roberto and Mary Ann, who just drink up the gospel. Seriously, when we teach them, I understand the metaphor of feasting on the words of Christ and drinking deeply from living waters. They accept our message so well and allow it to sink deep. At the end of our second lesson with them, Roberto said amen like 5 times, haha.

About Tacloban, I am completely willing to follow revelation. Wherever the Lord needs me I am willing and ready to go/stay. Honestly, I can't make up my mind about whether I want to stay or go. I'll be fine with whatever happens. :) One day I'm set on returning ASAP, and the next I want to stay in Cebu forever.

This past week we committed three of our new investigators to baptism! They have each attended church, but have complications with their marriage. We are planning on helping them work a way to either separate or get married.

I absolutely love deep doctrine! In my free time I love to read and search for answers to my questions. I exchange questions with other missionaries when we meet at District Meeting and I'm learning so much. Every morning I can't wait to start my studies to see what the Lord has to show me. The more I focus on the scriptures instead of manuals, the more I am able to figure out for myself. The scriptures are becoming new to me as I realize how much there still is to understand. I am just beginning to understand.

Every night my companion and I have been doing a nightly evaluation where we admit our mistakes and assess our own successes. As I have done this, I have felt the process of repentance and progression speed up. I am continually recognizing my faults and striving to become more humble and change.

I know that Christ has all power to fulfill both justice and mercy. He is the light of the world. We had an absolutely INCREDIBLE workshop by President Schmutz about "Finding the City of God." Um, I was like MIND-BLOWN. I can't really explain, but my mind was really opened to understand what the Celestial Kingdom really is and how unimportant all the other things the occupy our time and interest during this life. Read Hebrews 11: 8-10, 13-16 and D&C 130:2-11. The secret to obtaining eternal life is daily repentance----living in a state of perpetual forgiveness and sanctification.

Love you all.

Sister Amanda Smith

Comp T-shirts

Mantayupan Falls in Barili
January 29,2014 - the whole zone talisay stake

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 239 Carcar, Philippines Adventure team!

For the first time, besides the typhoon, I shivered in the Philippines! This past week has been kinda chilly. I actually had to sleep with a blanket on last night and turn off the fan! Hahaha. You should see all the grandmas here with giant sweaters and coats on when it's probably only 70 degrees or something ridiculous. We went to our bukid (jungle-y/mountains) area with the Baran family last week ( the family that speaks Waray2x!). The area up there is really awesome, but too far away to go tracting for new investigators. I'd be hard for them to attend church because of the fare. We'll maybe go there once a week or something.

I'm getting kinda antsy about returning to Tacloban. I keep hearing news of other missionaries returning!!! There's at least two from Cebu returning that I know of. But I hear nothing about me yet. I'm excited to go back, but at the same time I'm in my favorite area and we're having a lot of success. I feel like I'm well adjusted here, so it'll be weird to just up and leave again. But I know the Lord has a plan for if/when I return to Tacloban. I know that wherever I'm called to go is where the Lord needs me to serve. For now, here's what my mission president sent me:

Dear Elders and Sisters,

I am sending this letter only to those missionaries who were originally called to the Tacloban Mission. A few days ago, we received our first message from the Area Presidency with details about when and how the Tacloban Mission would be reopened and missionaries be assigned to return. I know all of you are very interested and impacted by the events in Tacloban and so I want you to know all that we know as soon as possible.

In the last two weeks, a general authority toured the mission with President Andaya in order to determine where suitable apartments can be located and what areas could be ready to receive missionaries again. As a result of that tour, the Brethren have made the decision to start sending missionaries back into the mission. Therefore, the first batch of returning missionaries have been identified and their areas and assignments have been given. As a result, there will be 28 missionaries who have been assigned to return to Tacloban Mission and placed in southern Leyte on January 28th. Two new zones will be opened in Maasin and in Sogod.

You might be aware that Tacloban missionaries were reassigned to 11 of the Philippines missions following the storm. The missionaries returning now to Tacloban are being taken from most of those missions. Two of our missionaries who have been here in Cebu are included in that group of returning missionaries -- Sister Sousa and Sister Bingham.

The Area Presidency has informed us that the next batch of missionaries will be returned to Tacloban in about three weeks, so probably about the time of the next transfer. We do not have any names of those missionaries to be assigned in the next batch, but they will probably come in the next couple of weeks. The Brethren have felt that missionaries received their callings to Tacloban mission by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Elder Nielson, our Area President, has told us that all of the missionaries called to Tacloban are likely to be reassigned back to that mission; however, he asked that Mission Presidents inform him of any instances where there may be circumstances that might indicate a missionary should remain in his current mission.

If any of you want to talk to me about this personally, please tell me your feelings in your email, or text me and I will arrange to talk to you either by phone or in person if that can be arranged. For those of you who have not yet been interviewed for zone interviews, we will be able to talk in the interview.

We love you all and we know the Lord has his purposes for your missionary service. Every one of you are a blessing to the Cebu Mission. I look forward to seeing you or talking to you again.

President Schmutz

Things are going better than ever her in CarCar. Both Sister Robidillo and I both love to explore the area so we call ourselves the adventure team, haha. We got punted a lot this week, but it actually helped us find some awesome new investigators! I could really feel how we were lead by the Spirit to know where to go, what to say, etc. We met one sister whose best friend is a member, but is living abroad. She was totally prepared to hear about the Book of Mormon. She is looking for answers to her problems in the Bible and wants to know how to find peace by reading and praying. She felt that our religions were the same until we talked about the power of the Book of Mormon and how it will bless her life. The Spirit was strong and she is eager to try reading it.

Another day when we were punted, I felt like we needed to return to a referral we had contacted, but hadn't been able to teach yet. He is a businessman and is usually very busy with work, but is really interested. When we walked into his shop, it just so happened that the 1st counselor in our bishopric was there ordering supplies! It was perfect to set up a time to meet with him again, with his old customer of 20 years as his friend and fellowshipper. Perfect timing.

Our recent converts continue to stay strong. Matt Cerojales is now a priest and blessed the sacrament last Sunday. Isay continues to work with us as a ward missionary! Their testimonies are a good support for the ward.

I have been striving to cut anything away that doesn't comply with the missionary handbook. As I have done so, I have felt a greater ability to be lead by the Spirit. Sister Robidillo has been an amazing example to me of how exactly the Spirit can lead us in His work. One day she just decided to walk down a path we've never been down before and she walked right up to a house of someone we had FTE'd the day before!

Once of my goals this past week is to improve my knowledge. I had an amazing study about intelligence, God's glory, and obedience as I studied from D&C 93, 77, and 130. God's glory is intelligence---truth and light. We are to be glorified in truth. And obedience to law is a mark of intelligence. My studies helped me to understand that intelligence is gained by applying the knowledge we have gained, not just merely acquiring gospel learning. I want to strive to implement the things I am learning through effective goals.

I feel like my personal progression is continuing to skyrocket the more I focus on the work. This great and marvelous work continues to change the lives of all who are involved. I have truly felt such excitement and happiness because of the fruits of this work. This is really nothing like missionary work.

Well, I love you all! Ta-ta for now. :)

Just in case anyone wants to send me anything *hint hint* here's my address again:

CJCLDS Temple Complex
Gorordo Ave, Lahug
Cebu City 6000

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 232 Carcar, Philippines Cha-cha-cha-changes!

First off, Sister Zamora was emergency transferred last week! We were both so shocked. It was hard timing since we had just celebrating having another 6 weeks together, but I know God is always in charge.Of course, we both cried, but recognized the hand of the Lord. It brings me such comfort to know that God is in charge. So when things happen that are out of my control, I'm not worried but just rely on my Father in Heaven. I know He's there for me. There's no way I could have made it this far without His assurances. Her puli (substitute) is Sister Robidillo. She's from Tolosa, LEYTE!!!! So she knows Waray-Waray! :D :D :D She is 25 and has been out for 10 months (so she's like my senior senior senior batch or something. . .). She's super energetic and is exactly what both I and the area need. We're pretty much the dream team! We work very well together and are perfectly obedient---we follow the white handbook exactly, not going above or below. I am soooo excited for the rest of this transfer!  I've been praying hard to be able to find new investigators that are willing to progress. Our prayers have been answered. We've found several more new families. We had the coolest second lesson with one of them. They had kept their commitment to start the BOM, the Restoration pamphlet, and pray as a family. They described their joy and unity as they prayed together and how it's changing their family in comparison to other families they see.

I feel like each transfer gets better and better---my teaching skills, my experiences, etc. I can really feel myself progressing. Just this week I had several experiences where people rejected us. Like Nephi, I felt grieved for the hardness of their hearts. Even though I gave my all in bearing my testimony and inviting them to act, they still refused to try the fruit of the message. I feel like my ability to feel for others has grown. That's something I've been working on a lot lately: compassion and being filled with the love of God. Its hard to watch sad people push away the very and only thing that will bring them true happiness.

Matt and Isay continue to be awesome. They're just plain awesome. Matt is almost finished with the Gospel Essentials Manual on top of his BOM reading, Preach My Gospel reading, Liahona, Duty to God, institute classes, and preparing for his new calling as ward missionary. Just awesome.

I had an experience recently where a member was teaching a lesson. He chose the topic of the Atonement to speak about. As he started the lesson, he said all the perfect things, quoted scriptures, asked questions, but the Spirit was completely absent. The way he taught was almost in an attitude of mockery. It made me and all the other missionaries very upset to listen to. By the end of the lesson, I felt like I was going to explode I was so upset with how trivially he was speaking about the Atonement. I raised my hand and bore my testimony about the Atonement---I was nearly in tears by the end. From this experience, I felt the weight of responsibility to make sure the investigators understand the sacredness and importance of the Atonement. I want to make sure no one ever speaks so casually and mockingly about the sacrifice and suffering of the Redeemer of the World.

Our zone leaders have started something I've really enjoyed to help us thirst after deep doctrine. We get to ask them one doctrinal question per week! I've always had questions I've been studying, but until now I haven't really focused on my questions. Since I've started studying my questions, my personal study flies by so quickly. I am learning sooo much! Recently I've been studying about the election of grace and foreordination. Deep stuff. My mind is getting blown. Check out what the Bible Dictionary and Romans 9 and 11 has to say about election. I'm still trying to figure it out.

We had the best and most spiritual Zone Training Meeting ever! We learned about prayer and how we need to pour out our whole souls in prayer, everytime we pray---true, sincere prayer requires great struggling and effort. I've tried this and it's actually really hard. I'm struggling to be able to put my all into my prayers, especially when I'm exhausted at night. But I have most definitely felt an increase of the Spirit and my relationship with Christ. Through the scriptures we learn of Christ, but on our knees we come to KNOW Him. I know this is true and that God hears and answers every single prayer. He lives.

I love you all sooo much!

Sister Amanda Smith

Goodbye Sis Zamora

Hello Sis Robidillo

Replacement medallion and card sent by the YW General Presidency
for the one lost in the typhoon

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 225 Carcar, Philippines 7-Month Mark and My 20th Birthday!

I've already passed my 7-month mark AND my 20th birthday! I nearly forgot about my birthday because of our baptisms and transfer week, but it came nonetheless. For my birthday it was a normal day of work, but we had appointments for lunch and dinner! There was an old grandma that died in the ward, so the family invited everyone over to eat. So there was this giant feast for my birthday, haha. Perfect timing! When the family heard it was my birthday (this is the same family that speaks Waray2x!) they bought us chocolate and mango ice cream to celebrate. :) Also, our RECENT CONVERTS M and I gave us late Christmas gifts! Perfect timing again! They gave us the cutest/funniest gifts!!! We gave us each a photoframe with a picture of us at our temple trip with them. And they wrote and illustrated these storybooks about how we met, taught them, etc. SO FUNNY! I was dying of laughter. I uploaded the pictures onto my dropbox for you to see. Too funny.

So CarCar is now the biggest zone in the mission! We got a new ZL and he's helped to really kick the zone into gear. They started a new thing to help the young missionaries get excited about learning the doctrine. Every week, each companionship gets to text the ZLs any doctrinal question and they'll answer us. So, it'll basically turn into "who can stump the ZLs." Sooooo, lemme know if you have any cool/deep/thought-provoking questions for us to study about (things that are relevant to the gospel, not just random trivia). Also, CarCar Ward now has NINE missionaries serving! Good thing we finally got a ward mission leader (who is a recently returned RM, who just barely served as AP!!!). I think the progression in CarCar is just going to skyrocket!

So about M and I. . . yes they got baptized! January 1st. New life, new year, haha. :) They had the most awesome baptismal service. The spirit was so strong even though there weren't a lot of people there. When they bore their testimonies at the end, I felt like they had been members forever. M's testimony was more like a talk--- he used scriptures, shared experiences, etc. So inspiring to listen to! AND their sister (in between them in age) is now receptive and willing to listen! We pray that someday we'll be able to teach the whole family. Hinay-hinay, step by step. :)

We've been praying a lot to be able to find the elect people here in Carcar, especially since we just had our baptisms and kinda feel like "well now what?" We've been blessed to find many new FAMILIES to teach! It's been pretty challenging to teach both the husband and wife together, so we pray that these few families that we've met will continue to be interested.

Today I got to do a temple session with my district!! Cebu temple is gorgeous, btw. If anyone has to decide between going to Manila or Cebu temple, go to Cebu for sure. I love the temple!

Also, I got a package today. . . from the Young Women Presidency!!!! I looked at the return address and was like, "Unsa man na oy?" Which basically translates to "what???" I open it up to find a YW medallion---the old version! The exact kind I had lost in the typhoon! I thought i wouldn't be able to replace it since they updated the YW program and changed the necklace, but the YW Presidency sent me a legit card and the necklace! I was so touched that they would do that for me! I'll have to write them a thank you note back, haha. :)

Since being with my comp, I have really developed a strong desire to learn the doctrine more deeply. I feel like sometimes I teach the gospel simply because my language is simple, but I want to make sure my understanding remains solid and continues to become enriched. I feel like one hour isn't nearly enough to study, haha. I can't wait to study for as long as want when I have all the time in the world. . . wait. . . that will never happen anytime soon. Sooo, I'm committing now to always make time for studying the scriptures, no matter how busy life continues to become.

I love you all! Life is great! The gospel works. Use it. Love it. Live it ALWAYS and you will never fear. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday Cinderella
Ice cream party at Baran family

Birthday Party or funeral dinner at Baran family

Apparently I am Blond

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

PART 3 :) (yes, I know I'm slow)

Here's the last paragraph of part 2:

We all repeated Our Purpose as missionaries, Doctrine and Covenants Section 4, and the Standard of Truth to keep us calm and sane. After a few minutes, we checked the water level to see that it had not risen any more! I think after that we were able to relax slightly and then focus on how we were each doing. A few of the sisters had gone into shock. We gathered around them to keep them warm and awake. With the wind blowing, the rain still coming down strong, and being soaked, many of us were starting to shiver uncontrollably. We had no idea how long the storm would last. After a little while, we rearranged so that we were all laying down, hugging our companions and back to back with the next companionship, as close as we could. I think we laid there for at least two hours. We would occasionally check the water level and our surroundings for signs of any change.

And to continue:

After a while, the winds died down a little and the water began to recede. We could see people on the roofs of other houses and a tall school a little distance away. There were some men inside that saw us and they made their way over to us, wading through the water. They stacked some tables and an ironing board to reach the roof, and they helped us jump on down. Before we went into the water, a few of the sisters went back inside the apartment to find us some shoes. Luckily, the before the storm had started, we had brought all our shoes inside---most of them rubber shoes so they floated. :) We used a rope to all stay together and warn each other of any debris. Unfortunately, one of the sisters cut her foot pretty deep on some metal from a roof, but we were able to wrap it up with a T-shirt to stop the bleeding for a while. Inside, the school was packed with people. I actually recognized a few people that I've taught. Their houses were completely swept away. Absolutely nothing left.

We waited inside the school for maybe 15-20 minutes before a few of the children called out to us,"Your elders are here! Your elders are here!" We ran to the window to see our APs, President Andaya, and an office elder, in their proselyting clothes. I have never been so happy to see white shirts and ties in my life. They found a chair to carry the sister who cut her foot, and then broke back into our apartment to open the front door, so we could return later to salvage stuff.

We made our way through the water and debris with a rope, everyone walking single file. As we reached the main road, there was a giant tall pile of debris to climb up and over. Looking around, the fog had cleared so we could see out into the ocean and around for a while. It looked like the end of the world. There were some other people climbing the debris piles too, either frantically searching for food and supplies, or slowly walking like zombies in shock. The mission home wasn't too far away. When we got there, the office elders and STLs had already begun the cleanup process of the mission home. The mission home had flooded only 6 feet, so we wanted to clean out the mud that had settled so the missionaries had somewhere to gather. We worked until dark cleaning the floors and setting up sleeping arrangements before the sun set. We slept sitting on the couches. Stinky!

Day 218 Carcar, Philippines Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Transfer week. . .

Matt and Isay Cerojales are getting baptized TODAY!!!! :D :D :D They're fabulous. :) At Zone Conference, during the Zone Leader Report, they got a shout-out for being some of the most converted investigators the ZLs have ever seen. :) They're so willing to act and change based on what they learn. They've even started working with us to teach their friends. They get so excited---Matt asked us if he could teach one of our investigators how to pray. He cannot wait for the day that he can serve a mission. He's almost 22 and Isay is 19.

Last night we watched Frozen! Because it's not safe out at night on New Year's Eve, the whole zone got together to watch a movie and play some games at the church. Then 16 sisters slept over in our apartment last night to watch the fireworks! They're pretty sketchy because some people make their own and there's no rules. There was this giant cannon going off right outside our gate and all the neighbors had giant fireworks :) Sweet stuff. New Years here is bigger than Christmas!

So it's transfer week this week. Sister Zamora and I are staying put. :) There's a lot of changes in the zone, most of them unexpected, but I'm really excited for this next transfer. This is my favorite area so far.

I'm wondering if next Mother's Day I might just have you send me an international phone card and i'll call Ashley, then talk to everyone separately. . . so we can actually have a conversation, haha. But it was really good to see you all!

I've been sick this past week, so during my personal study I decided to study why we have pain and sickness. Why is it necessary to suffer physically as well as emotionally? We came here to earth to gain a body and gain experience. In order to fully appreciate health and perfection, we must know sickness and imperfection. Also, being sick is an opportunity to exercise faith. One of my zone leaders taught me that God did not send us to earth to test our abilities. He already knows our abilities. He sent us here to give us opportunities to express our faith---to grow, improve, and trust in Him. So how can I show my faith when I'm sick? Do everything I can to get better and keep moving forward. I got a blessing and have been taking medicine. As soon as I got a blessing, the fever went away and hasn't returned. I want to continue to understand why we get priesthood blessings and how they can be a faith promoting experience if we let them. Let me know your thoughts. :)

Zone Conference was AWESOME. This mission is so focused on doctrine, I love it. President gave an inspiring workshop about the Prophet Joseph Smith. I came away feeling so appreciate and in awe of this great Prophet. I want to continue to study his life and everything he gave for this great and marvelous work.

Like I tried to tell you all during our Skype session, I went to Dumanhug for Christmas Eve to visit a branch there that has no missionaries. We basically went on a road trip with the missionaries in our ward (the other sisters in our apartment and our ZLs). Our ZLs have a car so they drove us the hour drive there. It's sooooo bukid and beautiful! The drive was right next to the ocean. :) It was cute to see the small branch there. It'll be amazing to see how big it gets in a few years from now. Cebu mission is growing so fast!

Christmas Day was pretty normal, except we ate a TON of food. We had four meal appointments.. . . by the end of the day we were absolutely STUFFED. I think staying up til 2am on Christmas Eve and overeating is what got me sick, haha.

Anyhoo, sorry every week my emails are nuts. Hey everyone, send me your addresses so I can write you! :)