Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 81 Carigara, Philippines hospital week

Maupay nga kulop everyone!

This is last week of my first transfer in the Philippines! I can't believe newbies are going to be here in a few days. That means it's transfer week, gihap (also). I'm 99% positive that I'll still be with my nanay (mother), Sister Clark. :) I definitely still need her to learn the ropes around here. I feel like I still have so much to learn. I'm looking forward to see how I will continue to grow these coming weeks. Even though last week was a rough time, I LEARNED SO MUCH. Truly, the harder the times, the stronger you can become, only if you choose to learn and change.

So this past week we were in Tacloban yet again. I think I've been there almost every week, haha. We spent five days there just doing some checkups for my comp. We only expected to be there one night, but things kept working out for us to stay longer. I forgot to bring a towel so I used my skirt, hahahahaha. But they have a washing machine in the STLs' apartment so it was all good, haha. Basta, my comp switched doctors and has been diagnosed with diabetes. I can't even imagine what that must be like for her, especially away from home and friends. We'll be going back tomorrow for who knows how long. Hopefully, her condition isn't too severe.

Now I totally understand how boring the mission office is. We spent most of the week just sitting around, waiting in the office. Now I get why Christian was so antsy to get out, haha. I pretty much just read or slept most of the time. But I did get to meet a lot people, since a lot of missionaries come through each day. AND I finally got to see Sister Malietoa again!!! After she recovered from her surgery, she flew here by herself. I think she got here two weeks ago. I talked to her for almost 3 hours before we dropped her off at the hospital. Her health has dropped again. :( I miss her so much! Such a sweetheart.

Last week I forgot to write about an awesome family we're visiting. Since we weren't able to teach any lessons since the last time I emailed, I'll write about them. :) The Pilande family has been investigating the Church for a while now, but haven't been able to be baptized. Brother has a previous marriage he just recently annulled and now we're waiting for them to get married. They are such dedicated members and are SO excited to get baptized!! They've been actively attending church for the past 2 years now. Talking to Sister about her desire to get baptized has really made me appreciate the importance of baptism.

We haven't been able to visit the super cool investigators yet, but hopefully I'll have stories about them next week! :) I can't wait to followup with them.

I'm continuing to study charity like crazy and I'm still learning so much! Charity is incredible! So I was reading Nephi's Psalm (2 Nephi 4) and I came across a verse that meant something different to me in the context of charity than it usually does. In verse 21, it talks about how Nephi is filled with God's love "even unto the consuming of [his] flesh." Just like we are encouraged to do in Moroni 7:48, Nephi desired to be filled with charity. The footnote for "consuming" leads to D&C 84:33 which talks about sanctification and renewing of the body by the Spirit. So, charity is how we are to overcome the "natural man." Cool stuff to think about.

I still can't believe school is starting up again! So weird!!

DAD: HAAAAAAAAPPPY BIIIIIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAYYY! :D :D :D :D :D Don't worry, you still have something special coming in the mail. :)


Sister Amanda Smith

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