Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 126 Carigara, Philippines almost october!

Grabi man, October na?! (Wow, it’s already October?!) And transfers are next week!!! What?! Where did the time go? Christian has a week left before he goes to the mission office for his last few days in the mission. I really I hope I don’t transfer; I’m loving the area and my comp. Also, we’re looking forward to some baptisms this coming month!

You’ll be happy to know that I’m finally learning how to cook some Filipino food, haha. My comp is a pro cook so she taught me how to make maha (a type of coconut. . . stuff. I have no idea what to compare it to.) and pancit bihon, a type of noodle dish. As I cook with her, I realize I have no idea how to really cook.  All the flavors in the dish are from actual, real ingredients, nothing fake. I asked my comp one time what sauce she used. She said she put in salt and pepper and the rest of the flavor was just from the ingredients. She’s really teaching me how to cook for taste, not by recipe.

Aside from a kid peeing on my umbrella, I had a really great week! I played some volleyball this morning and had several opportunities for service this past week. We finally got to do CSP again. Our service project was in Capoocan (Christian’s area) and we helped make a garden. And the next day I finally got to do some art! I helped paint a backdrop for our stake’s Family Week Celebration. And then on Saturday we had a parade, ward presentations, and activities at the stake center. They go all out here in the Philippines! J

I had an incredible experience with a new investigator. So you remember Epat Adisas from my last letter? The super devout Catholic? Well, my comp and I were pretty nervous to go teach her because she’s already had all the lessons and has researched the church online. She told us she has a lot of questions and concerns. I was worried because she is very well read and knows her stuff. As I was preparing to teach her, I was reading from Preach My Gospel for some insights on how to best approach this situation. I read that “one of the most powerful ways of inviting and helping others feel the Spirit” is to bear testimony. People may question things intellectually, but “it is difficult to question a sincere, heartfelt testimony.”

So, when we first arrived at our appointment, Epat seemed kind of scared of us and confused why we, the missionaries, had found her again. She was afraid we were trying to “recruit” her. As we started the lesson, we reassured her of our purpose and she relaxed as she realized we were sincere. During the lesson, I felt impressed to switch topics to the Book of Mormon. Last time she had mentioned that it was “vague” and that bothered me. I wanted to make sure she understood the power that can come from studying it. As I simply bore testimony of why I love the BOM, I saw a desire in her eyes to find the same peace and answers. She told us that she’s been looking for peace but can’t find it. She attends church regularly, but she’s stopped listening to the sermons/prayers. Instead, she says her own prayers from her heart. By the end of the lesson, she was able to say for herself why she needs to read the BOM. And she committed to be baptized! She was soooo receptive and prepared to hear the message! I was amazing to see the things in her life that had softened her heart, when she had rejected the message before. Talk about miracles!

Spiritual thought: Matthew 6:22-23 “If…thine eye be single to the glory of God, thy whole body shall be full of light.” In the footnotes for ‘single’ it says: healthy, sincere, without guile, and dedication. Christ is always there in our lives, but we need to learn how to see His light and let Him enter.

I love you all!

Sister Amanda Smith :D :D :D

working in the garden at Capoocan Elementary School

CSP: surrounded by school children

family week celebration: painting the backdrop

in front of the backdrop
family week celebration: parade

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun update! Love her enthusiasm and light (she is glowing in those pictures!). What a blessing for her to be able to share her art talent with the ward members as well. I loved the "aside from the kid peeing on my umbrella" part. LOL. Thanks for sharing!!


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