Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 203 Carcar, Philippines Christmas is next week???? what?

My apartment in Carcar on the right- everything is blue inside and out
I'm already halfway through another transfer. Where in the world does the time go?

Since my area has been split a few times, we've really been focusing on finding new investigators. I think finding is one of my favorite things to do as a missionary. It's so exciting to be guided by the Spirit, being led to people who are prepared and elect. We had an awesome OST (on the spot teaching, where we are invited to come inside and teach). I felt like we should talk about Joseph Smith and his experience with finding the truth. We taught these two ladies named Z and P and they were all ears. Even though they were Catholic jud (really), they were truth seekers. They already had their doubts and confusion about the Catholic beliefs, and were searching for answers. We had answers to everything they wanted to know about: the Godhead, baptism for children, etc. At the end of the lesson, they committed to be baptized! We'll see if they come to church on Sunday. ;) Before we left, they thanked us fervently, saying they just didn't know the truth before, but know they've found it.

M and I continue to be awesome. They really make our job as missionaries so easy. They set their own commitments and change all by themselves. For example, we gave them the Law of Chastity pamphlet to read. A week later, we followed up on their understanding about chastity. Sister I gave a perfect explanation AND she had changed her entire wardrobe to be modest! She even asked if her shorts were supposed to come below her knees. Sister Zamora and I were so impressed that she learned the law of modesty without us even discussing it AND she acted upon her new understanding. For her birthday this past Sunday, I gave her some skirts since she really didn't have much. (I'm soooo glad there's been extra donations! I've been giving away stuff like crazy!) We took M and I on a temple trip! They got to meet President and Sister Schmutz and ask lots of questions. They are STOKED for the day that they can enter and then serve missions. They're on fire!

This past Monday was our Christmas Devotional and Talent Show! Guess what everyone! My apartment of four sisters performed a Filipino native folk dance, ahaha! It was sooo fun, even though we forgot the steps on stage. One of the members in our ward taught it to us. :) The Devotional was awesome. We watched videos of the Piano Guys and had missionaries narrate the Christmas story. Our President taught us about the importance of having the Christmas Spirit always in our hearts. Because when we go home, our purpose will not change. Christ is still the center of our lives. He is the light and life of the world. Despite the many changes that occur in this world, He remains constant. He is our example. He too had to learn line upon line. Not everything was handed to Him; He learned to work and study to obtain knowledge about Himself and His divine mission.

I think the Lord is really teaching me to treasure up the words of life. Instead of relying on notes or how I mark my scriptures, what matters most is how I apply and commit to memory the things I learn. What use is revelation or journals or notes if they aren't put to USE?

As we were teaching one of our investigators the plan of salvation, she asked how we can prepare now to enter the Celestial kingdom. (Love those kind of questions). I answered her with a scripture about repentance and baptism. She was like, ok then how do I repent? I love how she just broke down the steps to exaltation and just started with the very beginning. It's really that simple: use the Atonement and continue to repent and participate in all the ordinances. If we continue to improve and accept Christ as our Savior, then is His grace sufficient for us.

there was a little girl that named her Barbies after us, haha.
this is a picture of I and M! at our temple trip. LOVE THEM

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