Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 313 Allen, Philippines 10 months na. . .

I'm 10 months into the mission. . .Time flies. And Ashley goes home in JUNE! What is this??

This past week proved to be kinda sad and disappointing because soooo many of our investigators and members are leaving for vacation or permanently moving away. There's not much work here; it's hard to make a living in this town. Many members have sent their husbands abroad so they can support the family until they have enough money to send for the rest of the family. Now that school is out here, people are taking the vacation time to move. So we'll basically be starting over with our investigator pool, people who work with us, rearranging presidencies, etc. Everyone is leaving. . . :/

But on a more positive note, we have two youth from part-member families that we a preparing for baptism! If all goes well, they should be baptized on April 19th! (I was hoping they could be baptized in the ocean, but Filipinos think it's cooler to be baptized in the baptismal font since they go swimming all the time.) One of them is Julie (11) and the other is Resabel (15).

We've been helping out with special sacraments in our farthest areas in the bukid/jungle which has been pretty cool to see the faithfulness of the members in the middle of nowhere. The people there are so excited to have sacrament that they are willing to build a little hut thingy to have sacrament meeting without asking for any help, money, or materials.

I started the Old Testament again. I've been reading it alongside the Pearl of Great Price and it really puts significance into the Creation and Fall. I learned that the Spirit of Christ is the power by which the earth was created. I've been studying a lot about the Plan of Salvation during my mission and it totally blows open my perspective about how incredibly crucial our time in mortality is. Everything is depending on these few years we spend in this estate!

I was able to attend the General Women's Meeting in Catarman, the stake center. I loved how they focused on becoming covenant-keeping women. I really felt a desire and responsibility to help those younger than me along the covenant path. That's why callings are so important!! I can't wait to continue to serve in callings throughout my life. I loved how Henry B. Eyring stressed how we NEED covenants in order to make it through the difficulties of this life. God knew our challenges would be too difficult to endure without the strength that comes from cleaving to our covenants.

Well, not much else happened this week, and next week we have Zone Training Meeting, Zone Conference, and then General Conference! and we are having a Mission Tour soon!!! Super stoked.

I love you all! Thank you so much for all the support and love you have consistently shown me throughout my whole mission. It means so much to know that I have a family who is always there for me. LOVE YOU ALL!!! Stay strong. :)

Me and Sister Mier

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