Sunday, August 3, 2014

Day 432 Tacloban, Philippines Transfer Week! New comp!

Dearest family,

This week was probably one of the busiest weeks ever! And I had no official companion for the majority of it (just constant random exchanges with whoever was staying in Tacloban). Sister Woodruff went home early Wednesday morning. . . it was a big realization of how prepared I want to be for when I go home. There's no way that I can allow myself to go back to who I was before. I want to make sure that I am changing my NATURE, not just my behavior. No matter who I am with, I will make the right decision.

We had the opportunity of working with the new trainees!!! They're so cute! We went on splits with them on their first day to teach them how to place a Book of Mormon. Filipinos are so much more prepared than missionaries from Utah, in general, because they work with missionaries all the time and they don't have a huge of a language/culture barrier. I wish I had that opportunity before I went I my mission.

My new comp is Sister Robinson!!!! She's a new STL and she's my senior batch. She's from Heber, Utah and we're the same age. Love her to death already and she's an answer to prayer. :)

I didn't feel the earthquake but i heard about it. I was with the office elders when they were checking to make sure there wouldn't be a tsunami or something.

I've been studying the sacrament for a while now. . . Thank you so much for those talks! I keep feeling like the sacrament is so important, but  I'm still trying to figure out how to make it a spiritual experience EVERY week. I've decided to start being more accountable for my goals each week and pray about them daily.

I am so excited for this upcoming transfer with Sister Robinson! We get along so well and she is really stepping up to share in the responsibilities of an STL. I don’t really like I’m training a new STL at all! I love her so much already and we are both excited for the addition of sisters to the Tacloban and Carigara Zones. We now have 7 companionships of sisters under our care. (last transfer we only had 4.)

Our area is starting to pick up more. We have investigators attending church for the first time each week and we’re contacting many professional referrals. We’ve found that scheduling Family Home Evenings frequently with professional members is helpful in receiving referrals because they invite their friends and family to join. FHEs are the best! Since there are 10 missionaries in my ward,

Miracle of the week: Nothing dramatic, but I’m starting to recognize more fully the power of the Atonement in my life. I’m realizing more and more that of my own self, I can do nothing. I’m trying to become more humble by recognizing the tender mercies I receive constantly and acknowledging those in my prayers and my journal. The miracle has been within myself.

I’m so grateful for all the different challenges I’ve faced as an STL that have helped me grow and step up in ways I couldn’t otherwise. I can’t explain all the way, but I feel more satisfaction now and more active and involved in the work. I know God qualifies those He calls.

Love always,
Sister Smith

Sister Robinson and I! :)

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