Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 225 Carcar, Philippines 7-Month Mark and My 20th Birthday!

I've already passed my 7-month mark AND my 20th birthday! I nearly forgot about my birthday because of our baptisms and transfer week, but it came nonetheless. For my birthday it was a normal day of work, but we had appointments for lunch and dinner! There was an old grandma that died in the ward, so the family invited everyone over to eat. So there was this giant feast for my birthday, haha. Perfect timing! When the family heard it was my birthday (this is the same family that speaks Waray2x!) they bought us chocolate and mango ice cream to celebrate. :) Also, our RECENT CONVERTS M and I gave us late Christmas gifts! Perfect timing again! They gave us the cutest/funniest gifts!!! We gave us each a photoframe with a picture of us at our temple trip with them. And they wrote and illustrated these storybooks about how we met, taught them, etc. SO FUNNY! I was dying of laughter. I uploaded the pictures onto my dropbox for you to see. Too funny.

So CarCar is now the biggest zone in the mission! We got a new ZL and he's helped to really kick the zone into gear. They started a new thing to help the young missionaries get excited about learning the doctrine. Every week, each companionship gets to text the ZLs any doctrinal question and they'll answer us. So, it'll basically turn into "who can stump the ZLs." Sooooo, lemme know if you have any cool/deep/thought-provoking questions for us to study about (things that are relevant to the gospel, not just random trivia). Also, CarCar Ward now has NINE missionaries serving! Good thing we finally got a ward mission leader (who is a recently returned RM, who just barely served as AP!!!). I think the progression in CarCar is just going to skyrocket!

So about M and I. . . yes they got baptized! January 1st. New life, new year, haha. :) They had the most awesome baptismal service. The spirit was so strong even though there weren't a lot of people there. When they bore their testimonies at the end, I felt like they had been members forever. M's testimony was more like a talk--- he used scriptures, shared experiences, etc. So inspiring to listen to! AND their sister (in between them in age) is now receptive and willing to listen! We pray that someday we'll be able to teach the whole family. Hinay-hinay, step by step. :)

We've been praying a lot to be able to find the elect people here in Carcar, especially since we just had our baptisms and kinda feel like "well now what?" We've been blessed to find many new FAMILIES to teach! It's been pretty challenging to teach both the husband and wife together, so we pray that these few families that we've met will continue to be interested.

Today I got to do a temple session with my district!! Cebu temple is gorgeous, btw. If anyone has to decide between going to Manila or Cebu temple, go to Cebu for sure. I love the temple!

Also, I got a package today. . . from the Young Women Presidency!!!! I looked at the return address and was like, "Unsa man na oy?" Which basically translates to "what???" I open it up to find a YW medallion---the old version! The exact kind I had lost in the typhoon! I thought i wouldn't be able to replace it since they updated the YW program and changed the necklace, but the YW Presidency sent me a legit card and the necklace! I was so touched that they would do that for me! I'll have to write them a thank you note back, haha. :)

Since being with my comp, I have really developed a strong desire to learn the doctrine more deeply. I feel like sometimes I teach the gospel simply because my language is simple, but I want to make sure my understanding remains solid and continues to become enriched. I feel like one hour isn't nearly enough to study, haha. I can't wait to study for as long as want when I have all the time in the world. . . wait. . . that will never happen anytime soon. Sooo, I'm committing now to always make time for studying the scriptures, no matter how busy life continues to become.

I love you all! Life is great! The gospel works. Use it. Love it. Live it ALWAYS and you will never fear. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday Cinderella
Ice cream party at Baran family

Birthday Party or funeral dinner at Baran family

Apparently I am Blond

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