Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 239 Carcar, Philippines Adventure team!

For the first time, besides the typhoon, I shivered in the Philippines! This past week has been kinda chilly. I actually had to sleep with a blanket on last night and turn off the fan! Hahaha. You should see all the grandmas here with giant sweaters and coats on when it's probably only 70 degrees or something ridiculous. We went to our bukid (jungle-y/mountains) area with the Baran family last week ( the family that speaks Waray2x!). The area up there is really awesome, but too far away to go tracting for new investigators. I'd be hard for them to attend church because of the fare. We'll maybe go there once a week or something.

I'm getting kinda antsy about returning to Tacloban. I keep hearing news of other missionaries returning!!! There's at least two from Cebu returning that I know of. But I hear nothing about me yet. I'm excited to go back, but at the same time I'm in my favorite area and we're having a lot of success. I feel like I'm well adjusted here, so it'll be weird to just up and leave again. But I know the Lord has a plan for if/when I return to Tacloban. I know that wherever I'm called to go is where the Lord needs me to serve. For now, here's what my mission president sent me:

Dear Elders and Sisters,

I am sending this letter only to those missionaries who were originally called to the Tacloban Mission. A few days ago, we received our first message from the Area Presidency with details about when and how the Tacloban Mission would be reopened and missionaries be assigned to return. I know all of you are very interested and impacted by the events in Tacloban and so I want you to know all that we know as soon as possible.

In the last two weeks, a general authority toured the mission with President Andaya in order to determine where suitable apartments can be located and what areas could be ready to receive missionaries again. As a result of that tour, the Brethren have made the decision to start sending missionaries back into the mission. Therefore, the first batch of returning missionaries have been identified and their areas and assignments have been given. As a result, there will be 28 missionaries who have been assigned to return to Tacloban Mission and placed in southern Leyte on January 28th. Two new zones will be opened in Maasin and in Sogod.

You might be aware that Tacloban missionaries were reassigned to 11 of the Philippines missions following the storm. The missionaries returning now to Tacloban are being taken from most of those missions. Two of our missionaries who have been here in Cebu are included in that group of returning missionaries -- Sister Sousa and Sister Bingham.

The Area Presidency has informed us that the next batch of missionaries will be returned to Tacloban in about three weeks, so probably about the time of the next transfer. We do not have any names of those missionaries to be assigned in the next batch, but they will probably come in the next couple of weeks. The Brethren have felt that missionaries received their callings to Tacloban mission by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Elder Nielson, our Area President, has told us that all of the missionaries called to Tacloban are likely to be reassigned back to that mission; however, he asked that Mission Presidents inform him of any instances where there may be circumstances that might indicate a missionary should remain in his current mission.

If any of you want to talk to me about this personally, please tell me your feelings in your email, or text me and I will arrange to talk to you either by phone or in person if that can be arranged. For those of you who have not yet been interviewed for zone interviews, we will be able to talk in the interview.

We love you all and we know the Lord has his purposes for your missionary service. Every one of you are a blessing to the Cebu Mission. I look forward to seeing you or talking to you again.

President Schmutz

Things are going better than ever her in CarCar. Both Sister Robidillo and I both love to explore the area so we call ourselves the adventure team, haha. We got punted a lot this week, but it actually helped us find some awesome new investigators! I could really feel how we were lead by the Spirit to know where to go, what to say, etc. We met one sister whose best friend is a member, but is living abroad. She was totally prepared to hear about the Book of Mormon. She is looking for answers to her problems in the Bible and wants to know how to find peace by reading and praying. She felt that our religions were the same until we talked about the power of the Book of Mormon and how it will bless her life. The Spirit was strong and she is eager to try reading it.

Another day when we were punted, I felt like we needed to return to a referral we had contacted, but hadn't been able to teach yet. He is a businessman and is usually very busy with work, but is really interested. When we walked into his shop, it just so happened that the 1st counselor in our bishopric was there ordering supplies! It was perfect to set up a time to meet with him again, with his old customer of 20 years as his friend and fellowshipper. Perfect timing.

Our recent converts continue to stay strong. Matt Cerojales is now a priest and blessed the sacrament last Sunday. Isay continues to work with us as a ward missionary! Their testimonies are a good support for the ward.

I have been striving to cut anything away that doesn't comply with the missionary handbook. As I have done so, I have felt a greater ability to be lead by the Spirit. Sister Robidillo has been an amazing example to me of how exactly the Spirit can lead us in His work. One day she just decided to walk down a path we've never been down before and she walked right up to a house of someone we had FTE'd the day before!

Once of my goals this past week is to improve my knowledge. I had an amazing study about intelligence, God's glory, and obedience as I studied from D&C 93, 77, and 130. God's glory is intelligence---truth and light. We are to be glorified in truth. And obedience to law is a mark of intelligence. My studies helped me to understand that intelligence is gained by applying the knowledge we have gained, not just merely acquiring gospel learning. I want to strive to implement the things I am learning through effective goals.

I feel like my personal progression is continuing to skyrocket the more I focus on the work. This great and marvelous work continues to change the lives of all who are involved. I have truly felt such excitement and happiness because of the fruits of this work. This is really nothing like missionary work.

Well, I love you all! Ta-ta for now. :)

Just in case anyone wants to send me anything *hint hint* here's my address again:

CJCLDS Temple Complex
Gorordo Ave, Lahug
Cebu City 6000

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