Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 425 Tacloban, Philippines The Power of Music

This was my last full week with Sister Woodruff! :( She goes home in two days . . . . definitely an eye opener with how quick my mission is also coming to a close. We met some volunteer American RMs earlier today who explained that going home is really hard, but it's time to move on and upwards.

Miracle of the week: from the simple choice of a hymn, our investigator (Sister Fe Estreller) opened her heart and committed to read the Book of Mormon Daily! Sometimes, as missionaries, we don't really think much about the opening hymn for our lessons. Usually it's just I Am a Child of God but this time we chose to sing As I Search the Holy Scriptures. In the third verse, I noticed that my investigator became quiet and very focused on reading the lyrics. After the prayer, she was still very touched. She shared with us that she loved the promise of healing for her wounded heart and spirit if she searched the scriptures daily. This particular investigator is still struggling a lot from the effects of the typhoon Yolanda, especially after losing her sister. She has been searching for peace and why Yolanda happened. She was excited and ready to find the answer in the Book of Mormon. This experience was such a testimony to me of the simple power of music to invite the Spirit.

I was reading in Preach My Gospel the other morning about how to make the best of difficult circumstances. It's a story of how two missionaries decided to focus and listen despite children running around and the uncomfortable heat. I had a similar experience in a home after a heavy rainstorm. The rainwater caused all the cockroaches to come from the streets and fields into the home. Soooooooooo there were cockroaches crawling/flying everywhere! It was so hard to focus and I was praying so hard during the opening prayer that we would be able to teach well. Sure enough, none of the bugs landed on me and we could actually feel the Spirit during the lesson.

Random questions: how does having diabetes cause someone to get an amputation? And can you send me the talks:
-"Beware of Pride" by Ezra Taft Benson
-Elder Holland's talk about angels
-and Elder Holland's Easter talk about Christ on the cross (why hast thou forsaken me?)

I had one of the most amazing and deeply moving studies about the Atonement this week. I read from Jesus the Christ about Christ's last words and phrases while on the cross. I can't really describe what I felt or learned, but I guess my eyes were opened to understand how great Christ's suffering truly was, as expressed in his plea, "My God, my God; why hast thou forsaken me?" In order for Christ's experience and glory to be complete, He had to do it alone. His victory is complete.

Love always,
Sister Amanda Smith

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