Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 404 Tacloban, Philippines America, AMERICA!!!

What an incredible week. :) I went to my first MLC! (Missionary Leadership Council) It was held in the Mission home!!! (Usually it's in the chapel.) We discussed the mission culture as it is now and what we want it to become. Then next month (MLC is monthly) we will discuss a theme for the mission, set policies, etc. I love finally knowing what is going on. Sometimes it's so confusing being a normal missionary, being out of the loop about new policies, procedures, announcements. It's exciting to be a leader during this time of change. I was so grateful to be able to attend MLC for my first time. I hope to be able to carry on the vision we have for the mission to the other missionaries here. Sister Woodruff and I are planning our training for the Zone Training Meeting tomorrow morning. We plan to give a small training on what it really means to serve God with all our heart---how to really find happiness as we lose ourselves in this work. No more robot missionaries. No more floating through the mission. If we have not charity, we are nothing, despite all the other attributes we may have.

Our area is starting to pick up more. Since we are opening an area, we've been trying to build up and create our teaching pool. We've been focusing on professionals and families. So far so good! We found several couples or families who have a desire to attend church and change their lifestyle. We met a professional couple: the wife is a retired prosecutor and the husband is a retired policeman. Their hearts have been softened since the typhoon because of the death of a sister. They are searching for peace and are already starting to feel lighter as they read from the pamphlets we give them. That's one reason I'm so glad to be assigned back in Tacloban--to see all the changed hearts. It was kinda hard being assigned in an area not affected at all by the typhoon. But it is so amazing to hear all the stories and see the opportunity for the Atonement to work in the lives the people her.

In my personal study, I found a scripture I've never really come across before: Ephesians 3:16-21. It talks about how to be rooted and grounded in love. I want to be able to say when my mission term is up that I served from my heart---with ALL my heart, not just obedient and diligent. After all, if we have not charity, we are nothing!  It goes along with the training Sister Woodruff and I are preparing to give on how to serve God with all our heart. :)

President and Sister Maurer (pronounced "Morah," like hill Cu-morah) are INCREDIBLE! They are so outgoing, funny, and adventurous. Plus they have awesome Australian accents. :) Just a couple days ago President just left with his wife to explore the mission and drive around everywhere. Definitely what this mission needs: enthusiasm. :) Plus we live just down the street from him! We had MLC in the mission home and they cooked us breakfast!!! I miss foreigner food.

4th of July! We went to an American restaurant called Uncle Sam's. Ate a beautiful burger. :) Sang the Star-Spangled Banner. :) Filipinos don't really celebrate their independence day from what i can tell. I think it was in June. Yesterday I cooked BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes and brownie/cookie bars!!!! (that's what we do with our 6:00pm curfew! hahaha) We had a potluck birthday dinner party for an Elder's birthday. We also had sushi and cheesecake and apple crisp. :) the joys of living in the city. Thanks for the fudge recipe!

MLC group

weird street names in V&G (the name of a neighborhood)

4th of july party with the APs, ZLs, office elders and other sisters at Uncle Sam's. :)

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