Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 418 Tacloban, Philippines Typhoon Glenda, exchanges Downtown, Typhoon Henry, exchanges in CARIGARA!!!!

So apparently there are several missionaries being pulled out of their areas because of these typhoons hitting. In my old zone up in northern samar, there is no power and clean water. Let me know if you hear more about that. I'll ask the APs at lunch today.

Another week flew by! With two typhoons and two exchanges, we didn't have much time to work in our own area this week, but I know we were doing exactly what the Lord would have us do. I went on exchanges with Sister Asuncion in Downtown Tacloban and with Sister Kaun in Carigara. They are both still finishing up their training.

It was the best thing in the whole wide world to go back to my first area in Carigara. Actually, I entered Carigara exactly one year ago! The day i arrived was July 18, and that's when i returned!!!! Tender mercies all over the place. It was beautiful to see the progression and remember all the good that happened during the early months of my mission. And i could actually communicate with the members finally, haha! I went back to some of my old investigators and they had been waiting for missionaries to come back for so long! One of them has been waiting to be baptized! (Aldrin Guiwan). I left a note with another investigator, Maria Paz Adizas to remind her of the amazing lesson we had about the Book of Mormon. We'll see what happens when i go back next month for exchanges again.

Have you heard of Vanuatu? That's where Sister Kaun is from. There are so many little islands that I have never heard of!

I bought a dragon blade. . . :)

So, apparently I only talk to crazy people. Or only people that are crazy talk to me. Anyway, there's this lady named Susan that we invited to learn more about the gospel. Well, she calls us randomly now and asks us weird stuff and then says: "Wait lang." Then she hangs up. We edited her name in our phone to be Crazy Susan.

Interesting thought: In Moroni's invitation for us to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, he uses the words: "ask if these things are NOT true," instead of "ask if these things are true." Why would he use the negative? The sisters here were discussing how maybe it's like a challenge: we'll never be able to find adequate evidence against the Book of Mormon to claim that it is not true. And often it is easier to discern a 'no' answer than a 'yes' answer. Thoughts?

Well, I love you all! Sounds like cherries is great. . . .not jealous at all. Keep up the family history work! Great to hear all the stories. :)

Love always,
Sister Amanda Smith

CSP: washing laundry at the boomba, folding clothes, and painting :) i'm at the water pump

Old Carigara friends!!!! Quebec Sisters

the Pilande family

San Juanico bridge. . . Zone activity (yes i've been here before with Sister Henshaw!) :)

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