Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 411 Tacloban, Philippines Exchanges in Palo, Sisters Devotional, and Zone interviews!

Another awesome week! Another FAST week! Time goes by so much quicker now that there's more going on here.

Cool news: You remember the investigator Irene from Allen? Turns out, her best friend's son lives in my ward! So they told me that she went to church for the first time!!!! yayayayayy!

I went on exchanges in Palo this week with Sister Duke! I love being able to see the other areas and help spread the enthusiasm for finding professionals (that's my favorite!). It's really interesting here in Tacloban; people are still stuck about the storm. They just can't seem to move on; it's all they talk about when you meet people. It's actually nice to be able to tell people that I was here with them during the storm so then they listen to our message more.

In the evenings we make ice candy, fudge, and whatever else. Or we are out with the elders at FHEs and stuff because they have cars. :) Yup! I write in my journal daily. :)

Thanks for sending the talks! I just got the Good, Better, Best. Can you send me O Remember, Remember by Henry B. Eyring? Salamat! Also, what is your favorite conference talk about the Sacrament?

Zone Interviews were awesome. :) We just had quick interviews with President to give him an opportunity to meet all the missionaries. He has all the skills that this mission needs at this particular time to build upon all the work President Andaya has done. I'm so excited to see the changes that will happen in the culture of this mission!

Remember Fe and Carlos? We found the perfect fellowshippers for them! Turns out, there's an old stake president and his wife who live just down the street! They connected really well and promised us they would continue to help and friendship them. Fellowshippers and members make all the difference in the world!

We had an incredible devotional/sleepover with the sisters in my zone last night. We all read and discussed Moroni 10. We ended up talking about the plan of salvation, focusing on what "perfect" really means. We decided that perfect means being perfectly converted and having full access to the grace of God. It was so refreshing and uplifting to just focus on the doctrine and learn so much from the other sisters' insights. :)

Catholic church in Palo, center of Catholism in Region 8 (my mission)

exchanges with Sister Duke

ruins from typhoon Yolanda

my old apartment in San jose

zoom in on the picture of the side of my old apartment, you can see a gray, block wall with a little bit of tin nailed on top. i think that is what i was walking on in the water to get on to the lower part of the roof, to get on to the higher roof. (it's on the lower right corner of the picture.)

this is the school we went to right after our apartment flooded

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